My oldest children are getting to the age where they are having questions about how those gifts arrive every Christmas Eve. I want to give them an explanation that touches on the real meaning of Christmas. I also want them to still believe, but with a more mature belief that is rooted in our faith. After all, I still believe!
Below is my letter, feel free to use it with your own family. My letter is currently in an envelope, unopened. our oldest has decided he doesn't need to read it yet.
Have a blessed, and belief-filled Advent!
You have been dropping hints that you have some questions about Santa Claus. I think you are now old enough to have those questions answered.
Santa Claus IS real. He was St. Nicholas, a fourth century bishop in what is now modern day Turkey. He had a special love for children, and did what he could to help them. When he died, he went to Heaven to be with God, where he watches over children throughout the world. You can ask him to ask God to help you with a problem, and St. Nicholas will pray for you.
St. Nicholas has many spiritual descendants here on earth. They are not his children in the sense that you are my child, but are people who believe as he did and who follow his example of giving to others without expecting anything in return. They leave gifts in St. Nicholas’ name for children on St. Nicholas Day, Christmas, and Epiphany. They do this to share a little of God’s love, hope, and light with the world. Doing this during the holidays reminds all of us of the very first Christmas gift given by God, His only begotten son, Jesus.
When you are little, there is wonder and excitement in receiving gifts. When you are older, the wonder is in giving. It is in knowing you have helped someone, or in watching little ones get so excited that Santa has come. We become St. Nicholas. We give so that we can pass on St. Nicholas’ message of God’s love and hope to the next generation.
I still believe in Santa Claus, and I hope you will too. I believe when I see people helping others, encouraging others, bringing joy to others. I know that they are following Nicholas’ example, and by doing so they are reminding people of God’s love.
With love,