Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Second for the Spirit: Advent

St. Lucy's name means 'light.'

My 'A Second for the Spirit' flyers give you ideas to nourish the faith of your family in just seconds, because they fit one of two criteria:  1. They really take very little time to accomplish, or 2. They are probably things that you were already doing anyway.  Click here for the Advent edition. It is packed full of ideas on celebrating saint days during Advent.  The flyer includes information on St. Andrew, and you can find a copy of his Christmas novena here, at EWTN (Eternal Word Television.)

Have a wonderful, saint-filled Advent!

Welcome Advent!

One of my favorite memories always happened on the first Sunday of Advent.  I'd walk into church with my mom and brothers and sisters (Dad isn't Catholic) and see the Advent wreath.  It meant it was coming! Christmas!  Christmas with family we didn't see often, Christmas with yummy food we only ate that time of year, Christmas with wonderful surprises under the tree!  Waiting was SO hard, but that wreath reminded me that I only had to wait a little longer.

I hope you realize by now that I had it slightly wrong.  Advent and the wreath are about waiting, but they are not about waiting for the what of Christmas, the parties, food and presents. They are about waiting for the who, Jesus.  It is for Jesus that we prepare during Advent.  For Jesus that we need to make room in our hearts and homes.  For Jesus that we wait joyfully.

How can you help your family focus on preparing for Jesus this Advent?  Perhaps you can help set up an Advent wreath in your home.  You may already have one that you can make a space for, or you can make your own.  Follow this link for my paper plate wreath or this link for a pipe cleaner and bead Advent wreath from Lacy at Catholic Icing! Remind your family to light the wreath each night during Advent, and say 'The Our Father' or another prayer together.

How are you planning to wait for Jesus this Advent?  Let me know in the comments!